Inaugural, farewell, and introductory lectures
Upcoming and past inaugural and farewell lectures of professors and introductory lectures of adjunct professors at the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences.
Video recordings of past lectures
Prof. Dr. Cindy De Jonge

23.10.2024 | Chemical fossils for reconstructing the past
Inaugural lecture
Prof. Dr. Thomas H. Zurbuchen

25.04.2024 | Infinite Horizons: Navigating Space Leadership Challenges and Opportunities
Inaugural lecture
Prof. Dr. Paolo Sossi

15.05.2023 | A cookbook for planets - from the lab to outer space
Inaugural lecture
Prof. Dr. Jordon Hemingway

21.03.2022 | Evolution of the global sulfur and oxygen cycles throughout Earth history
Inaugural lecture
Prof. Dr. Simon Löw

13.12.2021 | Bergsturz und Menschenleben: 100 Jahre nach Albert Heim
Farewell lecture
Prof. Dr. Cyril Chelle-Michou

28.10.2020 | Mineral Resources in a Greening Economy
Inaugural lecture
Prof. Dr. Whitney Behr

27.02.2019 | Slow and fast deformation of Earth’s outer shell: the lithosphere
Inaugural lecture
Prof. Dr. Christoph A. Heinrich

03.12.2018 | Mineralische Rohstoffe – Science und Society
Farewell lecture
Prof. Dr. Nathalie Dubois
22.03.2017 | Traces of our past in lake sediments
Prof. Dr. Heather Stoll
21.03.2017 | How has CO2 varied over the last 30 millions years
Prof. Dr. Martin O. Saar
11.05.2015 | Moving mountains... and other uses of geothermal energy
Prof. Dr. Stefan Wiemer
12.03.2014 | Menschengemachte Erdbeben: Ein Fluch oder ein Segen?
Prof. Dr. Andreas Fichtner
31.10.2013 | Erdbeben im Supercomputer: Ein tiefer Blick in unseren Planeten
Prof. Dr. Maria Schönbächler
08.04.2013 | Die Entstehung der Erde - was Isotope uns darüber verraten
Prof. Dr. Derek Vance
27.02.2013 | Exploring Earth System History with Geochemistry
Upcoming lectures
Inaugural, farewell, and introductory lectures are public lectures of ETH Zurich.