Master degree graduation ceremony 2017

Congratulations to our successful graduates!
New insights into Earth's formation

New measurements carried out by an international research team allow new conclusions to be drawn about the Earth's formation: there were phases with an abundance of volatile elements on the Earth's surface right from the start, not just after it was subsequently bombarded with meteorites from outer space.
Luca Dal Zilio wins participation at the Global Young Scientists Summit 2018 in Singapore

Luca Dal Zilio, doctoral student of Professor Taras Gerya and Ylona van Dinther, was selected to attend the Global Young Scientists Summit (GYSS) 2018 in Singapore. Selected participants congregate for a week to be inspired by internationally eminent science and technology leaders.
Research lab Aletsch Glacier

The doctoral student Franzi Glüer researches the development of alpine rock slope instabilities in response to changing climate and glacier retreat of the Great Aletsch Glacier.
Collision with neighbour

According to theory, the moon was created during a gigantic collision between the earth and another celestial body called Theia. But where did this body come from?
“Earth's Treasures” as a book

The new focusTerra publication gives an insight into the variety of mineral raw materials. How do we use them and what challenges do we face?
Insight to the work of a research group

A class from Romanshorn High School visited in July the "Geophysical Fluid Dynamics" group of Professor Paul Tackley. Doctoral student Jessica Munch informs the students once a semester about her scientific work.
Marble, construction material with history
The story “marble architecture power” on the Explora online platform by the ETH Library traces the history of marble used in architecture in different eras.
ETH Study week at the D-ERDW

How is the natural and man-made environment reflected in Lake Zurich? This question was posed by 17 high school students (16 females and one male) at this year's study week under the guidance of Gregory de Souza.