Master's degree graduation ceremony 2022
Congratulations to our successful graduates!

D-ERDW MSc graduates 2022 (Photo: D-ERDW)
At this year’s Master’s degree graduation ceremony, 56 graduates received their degrees in Earth Sciences and 14 graduates in Atmospheric and Climate Science.
Head of Department Prof. Johan Robertsson hosted the Master’s degree graduation ceremony.
This year's guest speakers, OHNE ROLF, had the audience's full attention - without even speaking a word. Not for nothing do the two award-winning artists call their form "erlesene Komik", because laughter is between the lines and you listen with your eyes.

OHNE ROLF together with a Master's graduate student (Photo: D-ERDW)
The awards were presented by the Director of Studies Prof. Andreas Fichtner.
- The ETH medal for the best Master’s thesis went to Raffaele Spielmann (supervisor: Prof. Jordan Aaron) and Christoph Wetter (supervisor: Dr. Cédric Schmelzbach).
- The Willi Studer Prize 2022 for the outstanding student of the year was awarded to Jingtao Min.

Director of Studies Andreas Fichtner presents the prize to Raffaele Spielmann (left), Christoph Wetter (centre), and Jingtao Min (right).