New Insights into the Formation of the Tibetan Plateau

The Tibetan Plateau, known as the "Roof of the World", spans 2.5 million square kilometers with an average elevation over 4000 meters. A new study in Nature Geoscience suggests that mantle delamination of the overriding plate may explain the mysterious formation of this vast region.

tiobetan Plateau
Gawula pass, Tibetan Plateau (Photo: Adobe Stock)

The challenge of understanding the plateau

The Tibetan Plateau's formation is a complex interplay of subduction, collision, crustal deformation, magmatism, and climatic factors. Traditionally, models struggled to integrate these factors into a coherent explanation. An ETH research team led by Yuan Xie and Attila Balázs sought to address three major observations: the stepwise growth of the plateau, the distribution of magmatic activity, and the seismic anomalies beneath it.

The new model

Using high-resolution numerical simulations, the researchers proposed that the subduction of the Indian plate beneath the Eurasian plate caused the latter's mantle lithosphere to peel off, a process known as mantle delamination:

Oceanic Subduction Phase

Initially, the Indian plate's oceanic crust subducts beneath the Eurasian plate, causing hydration and partial melting of the mantle wedge, which then accumulates in a volcanic zone, known as an arc, leading to its weakening.

Transition to Continental Subduction

As subduction continues, these melts migrate toward the upper plate hinterland, gradually peeling off the lithospheric mantle and forming a proto-plateau.

Development of the Plateau

Continued mantle delamination drives surface uplift, expanding the proto-plateau into the vast Tibetan Plateau we see today. The ongoing subduction of the Indian plate results in crustal thickening and further uplift.

mantle delamination
The model successfully explains the stepwise uplift of the plateau, the migration of magmatism, and the seismic low-velocity zones observed in the mantle.  (Xie Y et al. Nature Geoscience 2024)

The study represents an international collaboration combining expertise from various fields. Yuan Xie, Attila Balázs and Taras Gerya from ETH in collaboration with colleagues from Wuhan University integrated geophysical and geochemical data with sophisticated numerical models, comparing results with numerous palaeo-altitude, geochemical, and geophysical studies.

It opens new avenues for understanding the formation of orogenic plateaus and the role of mantle delamination. Future research could explore the impact of inclined subduction, the 3D spatio-temporal evolution of delamination, and its links to climatic variations, surface processes or biodiversity. This knowledge could significantly enhance the current understanding of the feedback between deep Earth and surface processes.

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