Visiting professors
Prof. Laetitia Le Pourhiet
Laetitia Le Pourhiet is Assistant Professor in Geodynamics and Tectonic at Sorbonne Université, France and has been invited for four months (from September 2025) as visiting professor by the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, hosted by Prof. Paul Tackley, as the recipient of the Katharina von Salis Visiting Faculty Fellowship.
About the Katharina von Salis Visiting Faculty Fellowship
The Katharina von Salis Visiting Faculty Fellowship at the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at ETH Zurich is open to post-tenure female-identifying professors or research scientists holding a comparable position at an established university or research institute. Von Salis visiting fellows overlap in research interests with multiple groups in the department, participate in research projects with departmental members, and participate in teaching by delivering guest lectures, short courses and/or field trips.
Prof. Alexandra Turchyn
external page Alexandra Turchyn is Reader in Biogeochemistry at the University of Cambridge, UK and has been invited in spring 2025 as visiting professor by the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, hosted by Prof. Derek Vance, as the recipient of the Katharina von Salis Visiting Faculty Fellowship.
Prof. Seulgi Moon
Seulgi Moon is Associate Professor at the University of California, USA and has been invited for four months (from September 2024) as visiting professor by the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, hosted by Prof. Sean Willett, as the recipient of the Katharina von Salis Visiting Faculty Fellowship.
Prof. Makiko Haba
Makiko Haba is Assistant Professor at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan and has been invited for eight months (from July 2024) by Prof. Maria Schönbächler as visiting professor to the Institute of Geochemistry and Petrology at ETH Zurich.
Prof. Scott McLennan
Scott McLennan is Distinguished Toll Professor at Stony Brook University, USA and has been invited for six months (from July 2024) by Prof. Max Schmidt and Prof. Olivier Bachmann as visiting professor to the Institute of Geochemistry and Petrology at ETH Zurich.
Prof. Klaus Mosegaard
Klaus Mosegaard is Professor in Geophysics at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark and has been invited for five months (from February 2024) by Prof. Domenico Giardini as visiting professor to the Institute of Geophysics at ETH Zurich.
Prof. Brad Foley
Brad Foley is Associate Professor at the Pennsylvania State University, USA and has been invited for three months by Prof. Taras Gerya, Prof. Paul Tackley, and Prof. Whitney Behr as distinguished visiting professor to the Department of Earth Sciences at ETH Zurich.
Prof. Biondo Biondi
Biondo Biondi is Professor at Stanford University, USA and has been invited for a couple of months by Prof. Johan Robertsson as visiting professor to the Institute of Geophysics at ETH Zurich.
Prof. Maria Dittrich
Maria Dittrich is Professor at the University of Toronto Scarborough, Canada and has been invited as visiting professor by the Department of Earth Sciences as the recipient of the Katharina von Salis Visiting Faculty Fellowship.
Prof. Nadia Lapusta
Nadia Lapusta is Jr. Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Geophysics at the California Institute of Technology, USA and has been invited for one month by Prof. Domenico Giardini, Prof. Stefan Wiemer, Prof. Whitney Behr, and the BedrettoLab as distinguished visiting professor to the Department of Earth Sciences at ETH Zurich.
Prof. Roman Shor
Roman Shor is Associate Professor and Energi Simulation Industrial Research Chair in Geothermal Systems at the University of Calgary, Canada and has been invited for four months (from February 2023) by Prof. Martin Saar as visiting professor to the Institute of Geophysics at ETH Zurich.
Prof. Christian Huber
Christian Huber is Associate Professor of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences at Brown University, USA and has been invited for three months (from May 2023) by Prof. Olivier Bachmann as visiting professor to the Institute of Geochemistry and Petrology at ETH Zurich.
Prof. Amanda Thomas
Amanda Thomas is Associate Professor at the University of Oregon, USA and has been invited as visiting professor by the Department of Earth Sciences for four months (from March 2022) as the recipient of the inaugural Katharina von Salis Visiting Faculty Fellowship.
Prof. James Watkins
James Watkins is Associate Professor at the University of Oregon, USA and has been invited for four months (from March 2022) by Prof. Olivier Bachmann as visiting professor to the Institute of Geochemistry and Petrology at ETH Zurich.
Prof. Rachel Wood
Rachel Wood is Professor of Carbonate GeoSciences at the University of Edinburgh, UK and has been invited for two months (from July 2021) by Prof. Derek Vance as visiting professor to the Institute of Geochemistry and Petrology at ETH Zurich.
Prof. Yongsong Huang
Yongsong Huang is Professor of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences at the Brown University, USA and has been invited for three months (from September 2021) by Prof. Heather Stoll as visiting professor to the Geological Institute at ETH Zurich.
Prof. Robert Hilton
Robert Hilton is Professor at Durham University, UK and has been invited for three months (from April 2021) by Prof. Timothy Eglinton as visiting professor to the Geological Institute at ETH Zurich.