Specialised Master in Space Systems
The space industry is experiencing a period of massive growth and diversification, both in terms of technological advancements and market dynamics. The Specialised Master in Space Systems offers students the opportunity to enter this dynamic environment.

About the programme
We place particular value on diversity of educational background, to combine a strong teaching of engineering skills with a deep understanding of scientific and economic motivations of space exploration. The students will learn together in three dedicate core courses, while elective courses include all of earth and planetary science, physics, mechanical and electrical engineering, and geodesy.
You will use the skills acquired in the first two semesters for an extended case study of a space mission, spacecraft or an instrument in space, evaluated by domain experts from ETH, space agencies and industry to become accustomed to the formal review process of space projects. A Master's thesis can be written at any of the four participating departments (D-EAPS, D-ITET, D-MAVT, D-PHYS) or in the industry.

“I want to launch one of the world's best interdisciplinary master's degree programmes in space science and technology in order to train the next generation of space leaders.”Thomas Zurbuchen, ETH Professor of Space Science and Technology![]()
ETH Zurich
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Sonneggstrasse 5
NO H 53.2
ETH Zürich | Space
ETH Zurich is involved in many space-related projects and collaborates with top-tier players in the global space ecosystem. Collaborations and contributions cover both scientific and technological aspects and include fields such as astrophysics, earth observation, navigation systems, robotics, and many more.