Prof. Dr. Motohiko Murakami
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Prof. Dr. Motohiko Murakami
Ordentlicher Professor am Departement Erd- und Planetenwissenschaften
Leiter Institut für Geochemie und Petrologie
- Work phone +41 44 632 79 35
- phone +41 44 632 37 79 Secretariat(Sek.)
- call_made0000-0002-2165-2994
- contactsV-Card (vcf, 1kb)
Zusätzliche Informationen
Jahr | Ehrung |
2013 | James B Macelwane Medal, AGU |
2013 | Union Fellow, AGU |
2011 | Life Fellow, Mineralogical Society of America |
2011 | Mineralogical Society of America Award, MSA |
2010 | The Young Scientists' Prize, Ministry of Education, Culture Sports, Science and Technology, Japan |
2004 | Outstanding Student Award in Mineral and Rock Physics, AGU |