Prof. Dr. Vincenzo Picotti
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Prof. Dr. Vincenzo Picotti
Dozent am Departement Erd- und Planetenwissenschaften
Zusätzliche Informationen
Frühjahrssemester 2025
Nummer | Veranstaltung |
651-3071-AAL | Fundamentals of Geology I: Earth's Interior |
651-3072-AAL | Fundamentals of Geology II: Surface of the Earth |
651-3482-00L | Geologischer Feldkurs II: Sedimente |
651-3624-00L | Geology of the Alpine-Mediterranean Mountains and Basins |
651-4132-00L | Field Course IV: Alpine Field Course |
651-4134-00L | Tectonic Geomorphology |
651-4150-00L | Sedimentary Rocks and Processes |