General admission information for the doctorate in Earth and Planetary Sciences

The admission procedure for a doctorate at ETH Zurich consists of two stages: the provisional and definite admission. To initiate the admission procedure, the candidate must have obtained the written agreement of a faculty member to supervise the thesis.

Provisional admission

  • The doctoral candidate must register at the central doctoral administration via eApply.
  • Under certain circumstances, in agreement with the D-EAPS doctoral committee, admission may require extended doctoral studies (e.g. if there are professional gaps in the research area that need to be filled); additional requirements must be fulfilled before the end of the doctorate/doctoral examination.
  • The central doctoral administration issues the confirmation of provisional admission.
  • If employed at ETH, employment contracts can only be issued after provisional admission.
  • As a rule, doctoral students are employed as research assistants. The drawing up of an employment contract is an additional process, which is organised by the supervisor's institute.
  • Contract workflow varies greatly depending on the country of origin of the doctoral candidate. Allow enough time if a visa is required.

Definite admission

The definite admission is granted when the aptitude colloquium has been passed within the first year of the doctoral studies (9-12 months after start of the doctorate).

Questions and contact

  • For questions concerning the required registration documents, please check the .
  • In case of technical problems with eApply, please contact the academic services via email .
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