Doctoral examination
12 months before scheduled doctoral examination
- It is recommended to receive the authorisation for the doctoral examination committee 12 months before the scheduled doctoral examination. Therefore submit the form "Application for approval of co-examiners" to the D-EAPS doctoral administration and receive approval by the Doctoral Committee/Department Conference. The form has to be handed in 10 working days prior to Department Conference. Delays cannot be accepted.
Deadlines for the D-EAPS doctorate
Documents submitted later cannot be considered (only at the next following Department Conference).
- Get confirmation of credit points.
The learning agreement is binding – any changes must be discussed and approved by your supervisor.
You must register all courses you take in myStudies in order for the result to be recorded / ECTS counted. This also applies to conferences and summer schools: for registering, choose the correspondent generic course in the category Integration into Scientific Community. Please select your supervisor as lecturer, so he/she can confirm the attendance in eDoz and your credits will appear in your transcript.
At least 1 ECTS needs to be acquired by attending the mandatory course Ethics and Scientific Integrity for Doctoral Students of D-EAPS (651-6001-00L). This will be recognised in the Transferable Skills categ/content/main/applications/teaching/en/applications/mystudies/matriculation/mob_antory.
If a course does not exist in the course catalogue, you can enter the course as a “mobility subject” (see in myStudies Request to transfer approved study achievements from other institutions).
To get confirmation of the minimum required 12 ECTS for your doctoral studies, you must request completion of your doctoral studies in myStudies (under the tab “functions”). The D-EAPS doctoral administration will send you a confirmation. As soon as that is completed you can register for your doctoral exam.
The Learning Agreements must have been confirmed beforehand by the supervisor, otherwise the application for completion of the doctoral studies is not possible.
Get confirmation of the minimum required 12 ECTS for your doctoral studies.
The approved study plan is binding. If there have been any changes in the meantime, send an updated study plan (signed by your supervisor) to the D-EAPS doctoral administration.
Complete and send the form “Registration for doctoral examination” by email to the D-EAPS doctoral administration. Courses not listed in myStudies (like summer schools, conferences, or other external activities), have to be listed and confirmed by the supervisor on the form “Confirmation of course attendance for doctoral students” and also sent to the D-EAPS doctoral administration, including a proof of completion (e.g. certificate of attendance).
- Fix exact date and time for the doctoral examination with your supervisor (and the committee) and inform the D-EAPS doctoral administration (checks the availability; no doctoral examinations or aptitude colloquia are allowed to take place at the same time).
- Search and request a room for your doctoral examination via the protected page ETH Room Request web application. A external page video conference must be planned well ahead with ITS Multimedia Technologies.
- Together with your supervisor find a doctoral examination chairperson (a D-EAPS professor, including adjunct professors).
- Submit the completed online form “Doctoral examination information for D-EAPS doctoral administration”.
30 working days before scheduled doctoral examination
- Provide a copy of the thesis to supervisor, co-examiners and chairperson (you can send a PDF version, but please deliver a printed copy if desired).
15 working days before scheduled doctoral examination
- Registration for the doctoral examination
To register for the doctoral examination, use one of two forms depending on whether you follow the ETH Zurich Doctorate Ordinance of 1.1.2022 or the previous ordinance. If you are not sure which case applies to you, you can check this in your myStudies profile.
Registration is only possible if the request for completion of the doctoral studies has been confirmed by the D-EAPS doctoral administration.
- Register for doctoral examination at the ETH Doctoral Administration Office (hand in the prepared form "Registration for doctoral examination 22" along with the title page of your doctoral thesis to ) and receive your dissertation number.
- Verify draft of official invitation for your doctoral examination (provided by D-EAPS doctoral administration).
- Register for doctoral examination at the ETH Doctoral Administration Office (hand in the prepared form "Registration for doctoral examination" along with the title page of your doctoral thesis to ) and receive your dissertation number.
- Verify draft of official invitation for your doctoral examination (provided by D-EAPS doctoral administration).
10 working days before scheduled doctoral examination
- The invitation to your doctoral examination will be sent out.
We wish you all the best and good luck in your doctoral examination!
Final steps after doctoral examination
- Hand in any required revisions to your thesis no later than 6 months after the doctoral examination to the supervisor / examination committee.
- Receive approval of the doctoral thesis (final version) by Department Conference: to be considered for a specific Department Conference, send the form “Confirmation of the doctoral thesis” by email two weeks prior to the D-EAPS doctoral administration at the latest.
- You will be automatically dematriculated on the date of the Department Conference: the date of the Department Conference is the date of graduation from your doctoral studies.
- After the doctoral graduation deadline you will receive a provisional confirmation of your doctorate by the ETH Doctoral Administration Office.
Deadlines for the D-EAPS doctorate
Documents submitted later cannot be considered (only at the next following Department Conference).
Within 3 months after doctoral graduation date
- Hand in the deposit copies of the thesis to the ETH Doctoral Administration Office.
From this point on, the ETH Doctoral Administration Office is responsible for the further procedure.