Tutor system
The Master in Space Systems is based on a tutor system. The tutors are available to assisting students in developing a personalised learning agreement and providing mentorship throughout their studies.

The tutor system aims to support students in setting-up a personalised learning agreement, ensuring a well defined education tailored to the student's expectations. Hence, the tutor approves the student’s choice of scientific introductory and deep track courses as well as the elective courses. Throughout the programme, tutors guide their students and offer suggestions for improving their academic progress as needed.
Deep tracks and tutors
Professors and senior scientists across different departments at ETH Zurich are authorised to serve as tutors. During the application process, students are required to choose and prioritise three tutors specialising in their desired field. The assigned tutor will be communicated in the admission letter.
A change of tutor can only be requested at the beginning of a semester and after completing the change of tutor form. A change of tutor needs to be approved by the Director of Studies. After the change of tutor has been approved, the student has to submit an updated Learning Agreement on myStudies.