Diversity, equality, inclusion
We are committed to offer every department member the same opportunities to study, do research, and work successfully at ETH Zurich.
Diversity and Equality committee
If you have any questions or suggestions regarding diversity, equality or inclusion, please contact one of the committee members directly.
Members: Cindy De Jonge (co-chair), Stefan Wiemer (co-chair), Alena Abila, Simona Cigna-Meo, Laura Ermert, Danyang Jiang, Simon Stähler
EqualiTea aims to create an open and comfortable environment where to converse, share experiences, address issues, seek suggestions and support, learn, and actively discuss matters of gender equality, work equality, and family-work management. As the name suggests, it consists of a Tea (or coffee, or any other beverage of your liking) and cake break that takes place within the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences on a monthly basis. All members of the department are invited to join.
Planetary Equality
The Planetary Equality group consists of female early career scientists working in the Earth Sciences and it is funded by the .
Family room
The protected page D-EAPS family room in the NO building can be used by parents who want to bring their children to the workplace under their own supervision.
- external page call_made AAPG women’s network
- external page call_made Association for women in science
- external page call_made Association of women geoscientists
- external page call_made EAGE women in geoscience and engineering
- external page call_made Earth science women’s network
- external page call_made Engendering Success in STEM
- external page call_made ETH Women Professors Forum
- external page call_made European platform of women scientists
- chevron_right Female associations at ETH
- external page call_made Girls* on Ice Switzerland
- external page call_made Mentoring physical oceanography women to increase retention
- external page call_made Society for women in marine sciences
- external page call_made Women at NASA
- external page call_made GEOLATINAS: Latinas in Earth and Planetary Sciences
- external page call_made Geoscience Alliance: Native Americans in Geoscience
- external page call_made Latinos in Science and Engineering
- external page call_made Society for Advancing Chicanos and Native Americans in Science
- external page call_made Multiculturalism in the Aquatic Sciences
Health conditions and disabilities
chevron_right Accessibility at ETHETH resources
- chevron_right Flexible working
- chevron_right Childcare
- chevron_right Consulting, help, and support
- chevron_right Support services for scientific careers
- chevron_right Services and counselling for children
- chevron_right Reconciling family life and work
- chevron_right Gender-sensitive and non-discriminatory language
- chevron_right Gender neutral toilets and changing rooms
- chevron_right AVETH Diversity