VAME Help!desk
The VAME Help!desk is a new, permanent, internal, and strictly confidential mediation service for both students and advisors at D-EAPS, consisting of an “ombuds group” of volunteers to help solve conflicts.

Our mission
We see ourselves as a first step towards early conflict resolution in the case of professional or personal problems in student-advisor relations, before a situation escalates or cannot be mitigated anymore.
If you need advice about a situation within your group, we are here to help!
Please feel free to email the VAME Help!desk or any of us separately with your questions. You can also find us frequently at EqualiTea, Friday Peers, seminars, events or in departmental commissions.
This service is strictly confidential, and no other contact to or advice from outside will be sought without your consent.
Help!desk team
Further information
The below resources from advisory bodies may answer questions you do not feel belong at the VAME Help!desk.
- chevron_right Respect at ETH Zurich
- chevron_right AVETH helpdesk and counselling
- chevron_right Ombudspersons and trusted intermediaries: strictly confidential help and mediation provided by an experienced person
- external page call_made Psychological counselling at ETH and UZH
- chevron_right For student: counselling and coaching