Frequently asked questions
Due to the new Ordinance on Doctoral Studies of ETH Zurich and the Rector’s Implementation Provisions for the Ordinance on Doctoral Studies ETH Zurich (valid from 1 January 2022), new regulations came into force. Please inform yourself on the student portal of the ETH doctoral administration.

The Doctoral Administration has put together a list of the most frequently asked questions about the new ordinance on doctoral studies.
D-EAPS doctorate
Aptitude colloquium
Second advisor
Technical support
Credit points
Register for the corresponding course in MyStudies. You can find them in the course catalogue under "doctorate/earth sciences/doctoral department of earth sciences/integration into scientific community". Please select your supervisor when registering.
Your supervisor does not receive notification when you register for a course: He/she has to select your course in eDoz under “Grades/Results/Submission” and set it to passed.
With the permission of your supervisor, you have to hand in a request via myStudies at “Functions / Request / New request”.
- Enter the information as agreed with your supervisor.
- Each recorded study achievement must be visible on a document for the application.
- If a study achievement is to be credited in several categories with different credit points, please create a separate entry for each category.
Doctoral examination – examination committee
The chairperson has to be professor of D-EAPS (including adjunct professors).
Further members of the doctoral committee are: The doctoral thesis supervisor as examiner, at least one co-examiner; an additional independent co-examiner if there is any relationship of dependence between the thesis supervisor and the co-examiner(s).
External co-examiners require approval of the Department Conference. Adjunct professors and Privatdozenten of other ETH departments and all senior scientists require approval of the Department Conference as well.
Professors of ETH Zurich and adjunct professors (Titularprofessor/-innen) as well as Privatdozenten of D-EAPS are automatically eligible and do not need approval.
The deadline for submission the application form for approval of co-examiners is 10 working days prior to the Department Conference at the latest. Application forms submitted later cannot be considered.
Final steps after doctoral examination
Hand in any required revisions to your thesis no later than 6 months after the doctoral examination to the supervisor / examination committee. Send the form “Confirmation of the doctoral thesis” by email to the D-EAPS doctoral administration two weeks prior to the Department Conference at the latest. Documents handed in later cannot be considered (or only for the next Department Conference).
You have to submit the final version of your thesis 6 months after the defence date at the latest. This means: defence date plus 6 months. Deadline for submission of the form “Confirmation of the doctoral thesis” is on the next following Department Conference after the six months deadline (the Department Conference does not have to be within the 6 months deadline).
Further documents about the doctorate at the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences can be found on our documents page.